Meet the Speakers!

In order of participation on the conference agenda.

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Chris LaRoe
Chair, IPPNY Board of Directors
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Brookfield Renewable

As the Director of Regulatory Affairs with Brookfield Renewable, LaRoe is responsible for creating strategies relating to existing and potential future wholesale energy market rules and public policy initiatives. He also tracks and participates in the New York Independent System Operator stakeholder process, New York State Public Service Commission and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proceedings, and New York State legislative and administrative efforts that establish policies, laws, and market rules impacting Brookfield Renewable.

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Rich Dewey

President & CEO

Mr. Dewey joined the NYISO in 2000 and has held several pivotal executive roles in Product and Project Management, Strategic Software Development and Quality Assurance. Previously, he spent several years in IT and Network Services for Husky Injection Molding Systems and Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. He earned a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Clarkson University, a M.S. in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University, and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s General Management Program.

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Marie French (Moderator)

Marie J. French covers energy and the environment for POLITICO New York in Albany. She has covered state government in New York for the Albany Business Review and previously wrote about business and labor issues while covering state government in Missouri for the Associated Press and St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

A graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, Marie French has also worked for Bloomberg News and the Orange County Register.

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Gavin J. Donohue
President & CEO

Mr. Donohue joined IPPNY in 2001 as the Executive Director and was appointed President and CEO of the association in May of 2003. While at IPPNY, Mr. Donohue has been a vocal proponent of improving New York energy policy and increasing competition in the state’s energy markets. He has been active on a variety of issues before the New York Independent System Operator, the New York Public Service Commission and both state and federal legislatures.

In 2019, Mr. Donohue was named the first appointment to the New York State Climate Action Council, a 22-member body created in statute under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The Council is charged with developing a plan to reach New York State’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals by 2050.

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Todd Snitchler
President & CEO
Electric Power Supply Association

As the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA)’s president and CEO, Todd Snitchler represents companies that own competitive power generation assets and advocates for policies that focus on achieving and maintaining well-functioning and properly regulated competitive wholesale electricity markets.

Prior to joining EPSA, Todd served as the Vice President of Market Development at the American Petroleum Institute where he worked with industry, government, and customer stakeholders to promote increased demand for and continued availability of our nation’s abundant and clean natural gas resources.

Prior to that, Mr. Snitchler was a principal for Vorys Advisors, LLC in Ohio where he led the government affairs efforts in the energy and utility space where he represented competitive suppliers and independent power producers and developers. In that role he established strong relationships in Ohio and nationally with policy makers and industry participants supportive of competitive markets.

Mr. Snitchler previously served as chairman of both the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the Ohio Power Siting Board. He was elected twice to represent the 50th House District in Stark County, Ohio.

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Dan Dolan
New England Power Generators Association

Dan Dolan has served as President of the New England Power Generators Association (NEPGA) since the fall of 2011. NEPGA is the trade association representing 80% of the installed generation capacity in New England, approximately 25,000 megawatts. As President he is the principal spokesperson and oversees all activities for the largest trade association representing competitive electric generating companies in New England. Dolan leads a staff that represents the membership on electricity market rules development and expansion of wholesale electric competition and is a frequent speaker at legislative and regulatory hearings as well at industry conferences.

Dolan had previously worked at the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA), the national trade association representing competitive power suppliers, including generators and marketers. He departed as Vice President of Policy Research & Communications where he was responsible for coordinating research, reports, studies and analysis as well as directing communications and state advocacy for the organization. Dolan also oversaw the development of energy trading policy including spearheading EPSA’s activities in the development and implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall St. Reform Act. 

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Laura Chappelle
Potomac Law Group

Laura Chappelle’s practice focuses on regulatory and legal policy issues involving state and federal energy sectors. She has more than 25 years of experience in state, wholesale and regional energy issues. Laura previously served as a chairman and commissioner with the Michigan Public Service Commission from 2000 – 2007.  Prior to that, she was deputy legal counsel and regulatory policy advisor to Michigan Governor John Engler, assistant legal counsel for Michigan Speaker of the House Paul Hillegonds, and a regulatory policy advisor and legal counsel for both the Michigan House and Senate. 

Ms. Chappelle represents clients before the Michigan Public Service Commission, including energy suppliers and marketers, independent power producers, manufacturers, agricultural processors, public entities and institutions, and trade associations representing competitive power supply and business interests. She is also active in state energy matters in both PJM and MISO, as well as representing clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”).

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Rich Barlette (Moderator)
Director, State Government Affairs
Constellation Energy

Rich Barlette is Constellation’s director of state government affairs in New York, responsible for leading the company’s state and local governmental, political, and regulatory interactions including the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), New York State Public Service Commission (PSC), New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the State legislature and executive administration. The company’s New York holdings include 3,300 megawatts of emission-free nuclear generation as well as distributed generation, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, energy efficiency, renewable and commodity product offerings.

Rich also serves on the Independent Power Producers of New York’s (IPPNY) Executive Committee as Vice Chairman and board since 2018 and is also the New York chair of the Retail Energy Supply Association — where he leads the association’s political and regulatory activities to promote vibrant and sustainable competitive retail energy markets for residential, commercial and industrial consumers. Rich also sits on the board of Centerstate CEO, Central New York’s chief business and economic development organization.  

Prior to joining the Constellation, Rich was the senior manager of external affairs for NYISO where he was responsible for the organization’s government and community affairs, customer service, and corporate governance departments.

His governmental affairs responsibilities included managing the NYISO’s role as the authoritative source for energy information and serving as an independent technical resource for New York State policy makers. Prior to joining the NYISO in 2008, Rich worked for Reliant Energy — where he was responsible for regulatory matters before the NYISO, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the PSC. Rich began his energy career at the New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), where he was responsible for all programmatic elements of a commercial and industrial energy efficiency program providing incentives for commercial efficiency measures throughout the State.

Rich attended Hobart College where he earned a B.A. in architectural studies.

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Marc Nichol
Executive Director
Nuclear Energy Institute

Marc Nichol joined Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in 2011 and is the Executive Director of New Nuclear. In this role, he leads industry’s efforts to improve the policy, regulatory, and business environment for new and advanced reactors.    

Marc has previously worked for Duke Energy, Toshiba America Nuclear Energy and Transnuclear, in the areas of used nuclear fuel management, operations and new plant projects. 

Marc holds degrees in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue University and the University of California Berkeley, and an MBA from the University of North Carolina. 

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Patrick White
Research Director
Nuclear Innovation Alliance

Patrick White is the Research Director of the Nuclear Innovation Alliance where he leads NIA’s research as well as analysis-based stakeholder and policymaker engagement and education. His technical background includes expertise in advanced reactor licensing strategies, regulatory modernization at the NRC, nuclear fuel cycles, and nuclear system safety.

Patrick has completed his PhD in Nuclear Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with his doctoral thesis on licensing methods and regulatory frameworks for commercial fusion technology. He was a graduate researcher on the 2018 MIT "Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World” study, co-authoring report sections on licensing issues related to advanced nuclear reactor deployment. He subsequently received his M.S. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from MIT in 2019 with his thesis research on advanced reactor regulatory pathways.

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Phil Church
County Administrator
Oswego County

County Administrator Philip Church is the chief administrative officer and budget officer for county government, supervising all appointed department heads of the 1,000+ workforce, and developing and managing the $266 million annual budget, plus capital plan. The administrator advises the County Legislature on all policy and budgetary matters, and implements the decisions of the Legislature. County Administrator Church is a principal negotiator of tax agreements with nuclear power generators. He serves as President-elect of the Board of Directors of the New York State Association of Counties. He led the successful nomination effort to create the Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary and serves as an ex-officio government representative on the sanctuary advisory council. He serves on the New York Sea Grant Program Advisory Council, the National Association of Counties Environment, Energy and Land Use Steering Committee, executive committee of the Early Childhood Alliance and was the founding chair of the Literacy Coalition of Oswego County. He has a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. The County’s departments provide a full range of public services including health, social services, law enforcement, economic development, aging and youth services, public works, solid waste management, facilities, procurement, information technology, records, personnel and internal government support services.

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Greg Lancette
New York State Pipe Trades Association

Greg Lancette is the President of the New York State Pipe Trades Association. After graduating from Henninger High School in Syracuse, N.Y.  Greg entered the Building Trades in 1990 as an Apprentice for the Plumbers and Steamfitters and achieved Journey status in 1995. His dedication to his craft saw him rise in the ranks to hold leadership roles early in his career in key sectors of construction:

  • Power Generation

  • Specialty Food / Beverage

  • Bio – Pharma / Pharma

Greg has served in his current Business Manager role since July 2005. He is responsible for oversight of the daily operations of an organization with over $425 million in assets. Greg negotiates, implements, and applies contracts with multiple employers, municipalities, and Universities. His role as President of the Central and Northern New York Building Construction and Trades Council gives him the opportunity to secure projects and employment for every construction craft. As President of the New York State Pipe Trades Association allows him to advance the piping industry representing 25,000 members, and hundreds of employers.            

Most recently, Greg has been involved in the planning process of the Federal and NYS CHIPs initiative bringing Micron to Central New York. He has been instrumental in the creation and funding of workforce diversification programs such as Pathways to Apprenticeship in Syracuse NY.

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Richard Bratton (Moderator)
Director, Market Policy and Regulatory Affairs

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Mike DeSocio
Luminary Energy

Michael DeSocio is an energy market and regulatory specialist helping clients navigate the complex field of energy markets and the regulatory structures that govern them. He specializes in supporting existing and new market participants with navigating the entire project lifecycle from initial concept to interconnection to market participation and compliance. Mike offers clients insights into wholesale electricity market design and grid operation, price forecasting and revenue analysis, and assessment of changing policies and regulations to provide a fulsome understanding of the evolving energy landscape.

Before founding Luminary Energy, Mr. DeSocio has contributed to the NYISO’s wholesale electricity market design and grid operation for over 25 years. He has advanced a diverse array of wholesale energy and capacity market enhancements to improve market signals and incentives for attracting and retaining resources that support grid reliability needs and energy policy objectives.

These include landmark changes to the NYISO’s capacity accreditation rules, the introduction of a multi-interval co-optimized real-time energy market, the enhancement of ancillary service product and pricing designs, and improved transmission congestion pricing. Mr. DeSocio also led wholesale market designs for energy storage, distributed energy resources (DERs), and hybrid resources, and improved interregional trade across the Northeast.

Previously, Mr. DeSocio worked at Central Hudson Gas & Electric focusing on system protection, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and substation design.

He earned a Master of Engineering degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York.

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Jay Goodman
Couch White

Jay assists clients before the New York State Public Service Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection in matters involving utilities and electric system operators.  This work includes administrative proceedings regarding the development of wholesale electricity market rules and energy rates and regulatory policies, and advising on energy policies intended to promote renewable energy, electric storage, distributed energy resources, and electric vehicles.

Prior to joining Couch White, Jay worked for the New York State Department of Public Service as an Assistant Counsel. Jay subsequently served as the Manager of Regulatory Affairs for the New York Power Authority.

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Adam Evans
Chief, Wholesale and Clean Energy Markets
Office of Markets and Innovation, NYS Department of Public Service

Adam Evans is currently the Chief of Wholesale and Clean Energy Markets in the Office of Markets & Innovation at the New York State Department of Public Service (DPS).  At the DPS since 2010, he has specialized in the Wholesale Electric Markets and has provided technical expertise in various FERC dockets, and in Court proceedings related to the Capacity Market and other Wholesale Market Issues.  Prior to working at the DPS, he graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from James Madison University and worked in the finance industry as a trader with a focus on commodities. 

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Chris Casey
Utility Regulatory Directory, New York Climate & Energy
National Resources Defense Council

Christopher Casey is the Utility Regulatory Director for New York at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). He advocates for advancing climate and clean energy policy priorities in New York State, the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), and before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). His work focuses on NYISO wholesale power markets, electric and gas system planning, and decarbonizing the electric and building sectors. Before joining NRDC, Chris practiced as an energy attorney at a law firm in New Jersey, served as Assistant Attorney General to the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission, and worked at a public power utility. He holds a Juris Doctor and a Master’s in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School and a bachelor’s degree from Bates College.


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Shannon Maher Bañaga, Esq.
Senior Managing Director
FTI Consulting

Shannon Maher Bañaga leads the Power & Utilities work within FTI's Energy & Natural Resources sector in the Strategic Communications segment. She provides senior counsel for energy clients in the public and government affairs arena, including direct advocacy, issues management, crisis communications, and stakeholder engagement. She served as the Spokesperson for the Partnership for Clean Energy Investment advocating for the inclusion of direct pay in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Prior to joining FTI, Ms. Bañaga was the Director of Federal Affairs for TECO Energy/Emera Inc. and was responsible for formulating and executing the company’s U.S. federal affairs strategy including natural disasters, environment, tax, trade, markets, national security and other energy regulatory issues within Congress and the Administration.

Preceding TECO, Ms. Bañaga was the Senior Manager, Public Policy and Governmental Affairs, for PSEG where she worked with stakeholders throughout Washington D.C. to formulate and advocate PSEG's position on environmental & energy policy issues involving the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and other federal statutes. During her time at PSEG, Bañaga was recognized by the D.C. Circuit on issues involving Clean Air Act, reliability, and capacity markets.

Before her tenure in the utility industry, Ms. Bañaga represented energy companies, state commissions, and quasi-governmental organizations while she was with the law firm Husch Blackwell LLP.

Ms. Bañaga began her career at the Department of Energy working on energy and environmental matters primarily involving nuclear waste. Subsequently, she joined the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Office of Enforcement as an Attorney-Advisor where she investigated violations of the Federal Power Act, Natural Gas Act, Natural Gas Policy Act, Interstate Commerce Act and the Commission’s regulations.

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Robert Kaineg
Managing Director
FTI Consulting

Robert Kaineg is an energy economist specializing in providing business planning, asset transaction, and legal dispute services for energy clients. His work often involves policy and market analysis, project evaluation, market forecasting, as well as facilitating decision making and supporting communications.

As a business advisor, Robert supports decision making and strategy development through a structured process that involves scenario planning and financial evaluation of potential investment decisions, policy and market analysis, and market forecasting. Mr. Kaineg has experience delivering complex analysis to an executive-level audience and facilitating decision making in a board setting and with public stakeholders, including regulators.

Mr. Kaineg has provided expert testimony and supported litigation and arbitration matters related to electricity purchase agreements, fuel supply contracts, and markets for electric capacity. Outside his work in the North American energy sector, has supported a German government agency in its arbitration related to electricity markets in the EU.

Robert helps clients evaluate their GHG emissions and exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities. He works with clients to develop strategies that achieve both financial and ESG targets in the face of uncertain policy and market conditions.

Mr. Kaineg works with producers, consumers, and marketers of energy in addition to banks, private equity, regulators, NGOs, and government agencies. He has provided buy-side and sell-side transaction, procurement process, and auction support to clients engaged in the sale of electric and gas utilities as well as generation and transmission infrastructure in Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and in the Pacific Northwest. Robert also has supported long-term resource planning for both gas and electric utilities through fundamental analysis of commodity markets, environmental compliance costs, production cost modeling, and financial evaluation of specific candidate projects.

Robert has led the development of two electric utilities’ integrated resource plans and supported many others as a subject matter expert. He has worked with the World Bank and government agencies in Japan, Mexico, Norway, and Ukraine in matters related to CO2 markets and low carbon development strategies.

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David Lombardo (Moderator)
The Capitol Pressroom

David Lombardo is host of WCNY’s The Capitol Pressroom, a daily public radio show covering state government, and WCNY’s Connect-NY, a monthly public affairs television show. His journalism has been recognized by the New York State Associated Press Association, Syracuse Press Club, New York State Broadcasters Association, and his mom. He was shocked to realize recently that he has been working in and around state government for 15 years, which makes him feel old.

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Ryan Silva
Executive Director
Economic Development Council

Ryan M. Silva has served as Executive Director of the New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC) since August of 2017. Ryan has helped NYSEDC achieve several landmark policy development wins including passage of The New York State Green Chips Act and the Federal CHIPs and Science Act, the creation of the Fast NY (Shovel Ready) Program, reauthorization of $250 Million for the RESTORE New York Program, the development of the $100 Million New York Forward Program, and creation of an emergency loan/grant program for Industrial Development Agencies (IDAs) during the pandemic. Under his leadership, the NYSEDC has increase operational revenue by 120%, doubled its staff, launched several new educational programs, and positioned the organization to help coordinate and lead New York’s industry attraction efforts.   

Prior to joining the NYSEDC, Ryan served as Vice President of Regional Economic Development for Empire State Development (ESD) and Deputy Director of the Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) Initiative for Governor Andrew Cuomo. He oversaw and helped develop several economic development policies and programs including the Upstate Revitalization Initiative (URI) and the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI). During his tenure at ESD, the REDCs awarded over $2.5 billion to more than 2,000 projects.  Ryan began his professional career at the Rensselaer County Regional Chamber of Commerce, growing membership and launching several new initiatives, including the Economic Development Partnership (EDP). 

Ryan has been recognized for his professional achievements throughout his career, most recently being appointed to the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Board of Directors in September of 2022. He was also appointed to Governor Kathy Hochul’s Prison Redevelopment Commission in May of 2022. Ryan was recognized by Development Counsellors International (DCI) as a Top 40 under 40 awardee and City and State’s Upstate Power 100 in 2021. He was also recognized as a City and State 40 under 40 Rising Star in 2018, an Albany Business Review 40 under 40 honoree, and the recipient of the Capital District YMCAs Presidents Award, in 2016. Ryan was appointed to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's Health Benefit Exchange Regional Advisory Committee in 2012. He has been honored with the American Chamber of Commerce Executives Lifetime Achievement Award, receiving the Gold Level in 2010, Silver Level in 2007, and the Bronze Level in 2006 for membership growth and development. Ryan currently serves as co-chair for the New York State Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Board of Advisors. 

An active and involved community member, currently serves on the Greenbush Youth Soccer Club Board of Directors and the Greenbush YMCA Board of Advisors. He has served on the Capital District YMCA Board of Directors and was Board Chair of the Troy YMCA from 2014-2016. He was a member of The College of Saint Rose Board of Associates and the Huether School of Business Advisory Board. 

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Kevin Lanahan
Vice President, External Affairs and Corporate Communications

Kevin Lanahan leads the NYISO’s Government Relations; Stakeholder Services; Member Relations; Regulatory Affairs; Media Relations; and Corporate Communications departments. Mr. Lanahan has 20+ years of experience in the energy industry and has provided strategic vision and leadership in his previous positions working for Con Edison, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and National Grid. He holds B.A. degrees in English and Political Science from SUNY Oneonta, and an M.B.A. from Norwich University. He is also a graduate of the Harvard Business School and Con Edison’s Executive Management programs.

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Thomas Huang
Program Manager

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Nicole Pavia
Director, Clean Energy Infrastructure
Clean Air Task Force

Joseph DeRosa is a Partner at the lobbying and government relations firm Bolton-St. Johns (“BSJ”) and has over fifteen years of experience implementing and shaping clean energy policy in New York State. As lead of the energy practice at BSJ and member of their Albany-based lobbying team, he works diligently to advance the business priorities of market-leading clients before key decision makers in the Executive Chamber, NYS Legislature, state agencies, and local governments, focusing primarily in the areas of clean energy, cannabis, transportation, technology and procurement.  

While at BSJ, Joseph has won major legislative, budget and procurement victories, including: codifying clean energy deployment goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA); winning three competitive contracts to develop 3.3 GWs of offshore wind; standardizing the tax assessment methodology for solar and wind projects; helping to secure millions of dollars to transform the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal into the largest offshore wind port in the US; securing $1 million to create a program to develop hydrogen fueling stations for zero-emission, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles; and winning one of the first five medical marijuana licenses in NYS. In June 2016, he was recognized by City & State Magazine as an “Albany 40 Under 40 Rising Star” and has since been featured on their 100 Most Responsible New Yorkers List in 2022, and the Energy & Environment Power 100 List from 2019 – 2023.  

Prior to joining BSJ, Joseph served over six years as lead Project Manager for residential financing at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), focusing on market transformation initiatives in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. While at NYSERDA, he was responsible for the development, management and reporting functions associated with several financing products spanning the residential, multifamily and small business/not-for-profit sectors, including the Green Jobs-Green New York loan portfolio valued at over $70 million, and the Residential Loan Fund, valued at over $100 million.  

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Jerry Goodenough
Vice President, Project Management
Beowulf E&D

Jerry Goodenough serves as the Vice President of Project Management at Beowulf Electricity & Data Inc., where he oversees the development and construction management of the company’s data center facilities. Currently, he leads the development and construction activities at the Lake Mariner Data facility in Barker, NY, and the Cayuga site development in Lansing, NY. With over 35 years of experience in the energy industry, Mr. Goodenough has held various leadership roles, including senior positions with Upstate New York Power Producers, the AES Corporation, and New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (NYSEG), where he began his career. Mr. Goodenough holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Ithaca College and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Binghamton University.