
The Independent Power Producers of New York (IPPNY), established in 1986, is New York’s premier trade association dedicated to representing the largest fleet of clean energy generators in New York State and companies involved in: the competitive power supply industry; the development of electric generating facilities; the generation, sale, and marketing of electric power; and natural gas transmission facilities. IPPNY Member companies produce the majority of New York's electricity, utilizing all sources such as: wind, solar, hydro, energy storage, natural gas, low sulfur oil, waste-to-energy, biomass, and nuclear.

Additionally, IPPNY Members generate more than 75 percent of New York’s electricity, have invested more than $10 billion in capital improvements at their facilities, employ over 10,000 people across the State, and pay approximately $1.7 billion in local property taxes annually. 

It is our mission to assist our Member companies in becoming the premier providers of electricity in New York State. To that end, we are committed to the following policies:

  • Advocating fair and efficient competition among wholesale and retail suppliers of electricity and other potentially competitive electric resources, including renewable, fossil-fueled, nuclear, demand response providers and conservation technologies.
  • Advocating for fair government oversight to foster new generation, fair business practices and environmental stewardship to further enhance the reliability of supply and competition of independent power throughout the state and the region.
  • Ensuring that existing and future contractual and regulatory agreements and commitments are fully honored.
  • Promoting and maintaining open, nondiscriminatory access to utility transmission and distribution systems for all market participants at rates that fairly reflect the actual cost of providing such access.
  • Obtaining input from and building consensus among all private and public sector interests involved in the development of competitive electric markets, as well as those that supply goods or services to such markets.
  • Assisting members' efforts to respond fully to the needs of customers.
  • Demonstrating and communicating that independent power facilities are reliable, cost-effective and environmentally sound.